July 11 Board Meeting. WTF?

Last night was quite a ruckus at the TLPOA Board Meeting. Key items were:

1 – The Queen wasn’t able to join the King in ruling the Board. In a tricky maneuver the King was going to get his wife,the Queen, on the Board without a vote last night – but the plan was foiled as others decided to run forcing a vote. The Queen began exorcising her power before she got the job – she fired Jamie Neal from the Oak Wilt Committee out of vengeance, she now wants to put chains and cement posts up at the Park Beach so no one can park and block her view, she wants . . she wants . . she wants. And in the back of the Meeting in the Peanut gallery she openly bad-rapped every one who spoke that she didn’t like in an open voice. Get on her bad side in this neighborhood and you are doomed, she is above the social rules now and she is married to the King. I wonder where the final power really is?

2 – Real control of the meeting was clearly in the hands of The King. The pretense of the President (Prime Minister?) is fading quickly and Rick always has been the leader of the pack because he is driven to control. Tonight was clearly his coming out night, though he expected to have Kathy on the board with him to celebrate the complete victory – four years of hard work driven by revenge.

3 – We had an “appeal” from Duane. It turned out to be the haranguing (and scaled up to harassing quickly) of Margie,of the Tech Committee, for not letting him write what he wants on the forums. You really need to listen to this on the audio – you will be appalled. For us guests this was a bit nerve racking because every time Duane did not get what he wanted, his rage expanded and three times he put his hand on the gun he carries concealed in his back waistband. Disturbing, but most disturbing was that the man in charge and his first stooge did nothing to defend Margie in light of Duane’s bad conduct. They did nothing to unite the board, nothing to support her, no sign of a ‘team’ here.

Finally two other Board members got fed up with it all and began to speak up on behalf of Margie and the Board.

Bravo Rex and Larry for standing up.

Boo to Rick and Greg for fading back and making her take on Duane alone. True politicians! You waited until someone else took action and then ran to the head of the parade to get the credit. All three of them – Rick, Greg, and Duane seem to have problems with women who don’t do what they want.

So it was quite a night! We almost got a Queen, the King is showing his power hand, and two gentlemen appear to bring order out of chaos.

It’s not over folks but only beginning. Two months ago I was going to close this site out of a lack of material, now the Board is hard at work with inner politics and intrigue, wheels inside wheels, and we are just starting on the Deed Restrictions. It will be an interesting year.