Suspended Democracy – The King is back

As noted in our September entry to this blog, our President Greg di Donato had a terrible time in front of the ‘guests’, that is you and I attending (we are a guest in his house of power and not recognized as the source of his power).  His ‘force of will’ did not prevail, even King Dick threw him under the bus (on the phone), he was yelled down by everyone there. He was wrong and the will of the people swept through.

What is most remarkable is the record of all this was destroyed and no one was told (more of the the Friends-type transparency).  Our technology-hip President set up the recording and checked it before the meeting, later he told the Secretary that the recording was blank. She had nothing to do with this ‘Nixon Moment’ but it saved Greg.  Should I wonder what happened?  Where is Duane when a real scam is pulled off in front of him? Oh I forgot, he says that Greg is a man of great character.
Second item is that I see his Majesty, King Dick, is back in town.  Have I seen him?  No.  Have I heard him, oh yes.  I received a classic Thompson self-promoting email telling us how great he is, how he single handedly can save us each $17.45 a month on our garbage bill.  Our champion!
Gosh, no mention about how Dick’s Dream Team and associates are disintegrating, how he is losing control of his minions, how his actions directly have created a leaderless governing body for us.  How this has generally exacerbated the mess we have which he created before you put him in office.  How he has used the process to gain power and position.  These are all classic moves from a little book written about 500 years ago by Niccolo Machiavelli called “The Prince”.  You should read Dick’s playbook so you know what is coming next.
All we hear is how great he is, how we need him (this reminds me of the movie ‘V for Vendetta’, same leadership style).  If you missed it don’t worry, you will get a lot more of it from him as he tries to save face – again.
Meanwhile democracy is suspended here in Travis Landing, no more meetings means no public pressure on our boys. Have you learned anything about politics and voting in this community?  Perhaps you will wake up, it is happening to our whole country now.  Is there a real difference between ‘the Donald’ and ‘the Dick’ or is this the national Dunning-Kruger effect in action?

Author: TLPOA Fire Brigade

Created to to stop a power-hungry non-transparent authoritarian new HOA Board from destroying our beautiful eclectic neighborhood for the 'Friends of TLPOA' gain.