More hot stuff from the Board

At this last Board Meeting The Friend’s Power grew through the appointment of founding Friend John Blanton to the Board by the Board; he now represents you.  Did anyone ask you?  Was that your intent?

The question of the Proxies used in the recent Bylaws meeting and election brought up asking was there a record kept of who collected what proxies and voted them?

The King turned red and began a verbal attack on the questioner about a matter that had nothing to do with Proxies or Voting.

Suppressed rage shocking all present – and the President did an immediate end-of-meeting action.  The King blew a gasket and all his people needed to rally around him. Very volatile people we have running this show.

The trick Dick used to dodge the Proxies question is called a Tu Ou Coque Retort. It is frequently used by Communist regimes and was a favored tool of Marx. Immature humans use it a lot to in an effort to get the spotlight off them.

It involves:

1 – Distraction – Deflect the subject away from the question by accusing them of something else, change the subject and point a finger of guilt.

2 – Domination – Aggressive attack, be loud, bully, and take control.

3 – Distortion – Make it so emotional that no one really knows what is going on anymore; it just becomes yelling with no rational thoughts.  The loudest now has control of the day.

Blew the meeting apart, no chance of getting a rational answer to the question.  A great dodge Your Highness, very successful although expensive in terms of political capital – you had to reveal the inner you for a few seconds and it was as usual, ugly.  So much for Arab Anger Management courses, eh?

I see three things that will probably happen –

1 – The Board will get more recalcitrant.  Time for them to circle the wagons while going on the attack.

2 – Look for an outright assault on the Architectural Committee (AC).  The New Friend Board Member along with Thompson, Dobson et al. will go after the AC as the tool for enforcing their wills on the community per the By Laws that didn’t change and the Deed Restrictions that might change.

3 – Look for a major spring cleaning in the Park and redefinition of the areas of use along a more Friend’s vision.  The Board needs a rally point to regain control and prestige – from Roman times Public Works hve been used to distract and unite things, so why should not the Board do the same.

Final note – I had wanted to stop this blog because I feel that it has been successful in some of its original intent of behavior modification.

But these clowns just keep handing me the best possible material to write about, and no, they have not changed. The rage, fury, and hubris have not abated, just changed tone to be less obvious, and the slow creep of complicity is bonding them like glue.

A final thought from Edward Abbey -“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.”

Is there such a thing as ‘Neighborhood Patriotism’?


Author: TLPOA Fire Brigade

Created to to stop a power-hungry non-transparent authoritarian new HOA Board from destroying our beautiful eclectic neighborhood for the 'Friends of TLPOA' gain.