Chaos in TLPOA Land – three lawyers are at it..

We have been in a lull, no meetings for the long hot summer, everyone out of town, now they are all back, with a vengeance.  The pot is  boiling.
Your Beloved King has been feeling neglected so he decided to spark it all up and has been sending Emails about how great he is and about women in the community he is blaming everything on.  He has sent the same to a female homeowner.  At least 4 women in our community are in his spotlight now.  Not many men, but lots of women.
What I can tell you is that since we became a politically based community I have seen some of the worst hubris come out in many our highest leaders.  I would like to believe that it is just our HOA but my investigations of other such groups tells me this is common.
Tune in, more later when this starts to unravel and the security blanket lifts….

Author: TLPOA Fire Brigade

Created to to stop a power-hungry non-transparent authoritarian new HOA Board from destroying our beautiful eclectic neighborhood for the 'Friends of TLPOA' gain.