How come the Board can’t get around to verifying the proxies from the Special Meeting?
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A Proxy is defined as the “authority or power to act for another”. Obtaining and voting a proxy is not illegal or unethical and is a well viewed and reviewed democratic procedure.
Deja vu – The Park Gate and How We Got Here.
An open letter to the Board of TLPOA
There has long been a shadow cast on the Board over the question of legitimacy. The rise of the Friends and associates, the introduction of the use of Proxies, the rise of the political party, all are disturbing in such a small community.
By any definition the Proxies themself now become “best evidence” in a matter of serious consideration with possible legal ramifications. The Proxies need to be consequently treated as such, legal evidence.
More hot stuff from the Board
At this last Board Meeting The Friend’s Power grew through the appointment of founding Friend John Blanton to the Board by the Board; he now represents you. Did anyone ask you? Was that your intent?
The question of the Proxies used in the recent Bylaws meeting and election brought up asking was there a record kept of who collected what proxies and voted them?
The King turned red and began a verbal attack on the questioner about a matter that had nothing to do with Proxies or Voting.
Suppressed rage shocking all present – and the President did an immediate end-of-meeting action. The King blew a gasket and all his people needed to rally around him. Very volatile people we have running this show.
The trick Dick used to dodge the Proxies question is called a Tu Ou Coque Retort. It is frequently used by Communist regimes and was a favored tool of Marx. Immature humans use it a lot to in an effort to get the spotlight off them.
It involves:
1 – Distraction – Deflect the subject away from the question by accusing them of something else, change the subject and point a finger of guilt.
2 – Domination – Aggressive attack, be loud, bully, and take control.
3 – Distortion – Make it so emotional that no one really knows what is going on anymore; it just becomes yelling with no rational thoughts. The loudest now has control of the day.
Blew the meeting apart, no chance of getting a rational answer to the question. A great dodge Your Highness, very successful although expensive in terms of political capital – you had to reveal the inner you for a few seconds and it was as usual, ugly. So much for Arab Anger Management courses, eh?
I see three things that will probably happen –
1 – The Board will get more recalcitrant. Time for them to circle the wagons while going on the attack.
2 – Look for an outright assault on the Architectural Committee (AC). The New Friend Board Member along with Thompson, Dobson et al. will go after the AC as the tool for enforcing their wills on the community per the By Laws that didn’t change and the Deed Restrictions that might change.
3 – Look for a major spring cleaning in the Park and redefinition of the areas of use along a more Friend’s vision. The Board needs a rally point to regain control and prestige – from Roman times Public Works hve been used to distract and unite things, so why should not the Board do the same.
Final note – I had wanted to stop this blog because I feel that it has been successful in some of its original intent of behavior modification.
But these clowns just keep handing me the best possible material to write about, and no, they have not changed. The rage, fury, and hubris have not abated, just changed tone to be less obvious, and the slow creep of complicity is bonding them like glue.
A final thought from Edward Abbey -“A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.”
Is there such a thing as ‘Neighborhood Patriotism’?
Are we being set up again?
An amazing number of property owners are now complaining that they never received a mailed notice or proxy form for for the upcoming By-laws meeting.
Happy New Year
Special meeting on the 9th. The boys on the board have conspired well to neuter anyone not in their camp, the King’s Stooges and Stoogetts are working hard to tire you of all this so you will go back into your cocoon and not disturb his reign.
You can bet your bottom dollar that as the Master of the Proxy his is hard at work garnering votes and gaming the constituency, stories are being told, rumors are being stared, you are being played and beguiled.
Good luck next year.
Suspended Democracy – The King is back
As noted in our September entry to this blog, our President Greg di Donato had a terrible time in front of the ‘guests’, that is you and I attending (we are a guest in his house of power and not recognized as the source of his power). His ‘force of will’ did not prevail, even King Dick threw him under the bus (on the phone), he was yelled down by everyone there. He was wrong and the will of the people swept through.
Anyone see a Leader around? We need one for the Board.
“He who can not be a good follower can not be a good leader” Aristotle
At the Tuesday TLPOA Board Meeting I watched a revolution occur in the first 15 minutes. I watched a man who so desperately wants to be the leader, fight a loosing battle with everyone else about who is in control, not leading, but controlling. He had the King on the phone and they did their best to control their people. Problem is that most of the Friend’s or Rick’s Dream Team activists is now gone. So. . . .
They failed. The people won.
As you know, a petition for a Special Meeting was presented to the board months ago.
The President and the King have tried to squash it from the beginning and engaged every delaying tactic they could. They starting with questioning the people who signed it. Then they canceled board meetings to not have to face it and hoping it would fade. Finally, we got to the first 15 minutes of this Board Meeting.
A beguiling soliloquy by the Present with those warm puppy-dog eyes and fresh looking innocent face, he us tells to look at how he saves us all from the issue and we can drop the matter, his only leadership is the way forward.
But the heart of the matter is not about the by-laws and issues of the Petition. It is about the Petition itself. It is in fact someone else’s will, not the President’s or the King’s – but the will of the honest and ethical home owners who pay for this all and were deceived into putting these guys in power.
The President has made it clear that only he has the final word. That confrontation first hit us last year when the Five Board Members walked after the his verbal actions and declaration of Presidential Sovereignty vested in him by the by-laws. Want to see the resignations, they read like it just like happened yesterday and not a year ago, nothing has changed, send me a request to for a PDF.
Now it happens again. Listen to the minutes, listen to the Guests and Board Members yell at him to do the will of the people. Listen while every manipulation of his is rejected, listen to how the King throws him under the bus to get politically free of the obvious revolution at hand. Listen to even his strongest advocate Duane yell at to him let the people have their way.
What have we got here you ask?
For one thing we the wrong person to be leader.
We were fooled, an successful organized political effort by the Friends and now a, year later, we have this, a Board run by two men only interested in person needs and stature, men who will tell you anything to get to fulfill their needs. What the Community wants means little, what they want means all.
And this is not the end – it is only a skirmish in their efforts to run the show. They are the reason this website exists, because they will never tell you what is happening. I hear the Queen yelling, ‘Transparency’, but their’s is more than a bit smokey, or is it those darned mirrors?, Hard to tell while tripping over all the red herrings.
Board On The Run
Sung to the Paul McCartney tune “Band on the Run” that is what we have, a Board on the Run. I waited to talk about this until it had matured a bit.
Running from what you ask?
The Febuary Board meeting 25 of your neighbors signed and delivered a petition to the Board for a special meeting to discuss a problem. This is all in exact compliance with the By-Laws and the State Property Codes. It was essentially ignored.
The Lord of the Board and his minion the President decided that they didn’t believe the signatures because they know that everyone loves our Board and no one would complain. They had the Secretary of the Board call each person and confirm their signing. That delaying tactic came to an end when everyone stood by their signatures.
The next tactic was to cancel Board Meetings so the Board didn’t have to hear the petition/complaint and take action. I look at this as spray-painting the transparency that the King claimed the last Board lacked.
How many of you knew such a petition to the Board had been posted? I can still hear The Queen yelling ‘transparency’ for the election a year ago. I doubt that the whole Board even knows this is going on.
Now they have turned on Duane the Inquisitor,oh-oh,change in title – The King wanted a change in tactics, now it is to be the “Beguiler” just like the King and and the Prime Minister (look it Up) rather than the Star Chamber. This is to work on the TLPOA Forums to create FUD (that is Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt) to dilute and obfuscate the issue and make it go away.
These are the are all Standard Operating Procedures for King Rick and his Prime Minister Greg, but most of you know the tricks by now and are willing to wait them out.
So when you hear that there is no business to conduct and Board meetings are not needed, know that you have again been intentionally misinformed. Let’s get the right word in here, LIED to by persons of very questionable character; the Friends you gave control of your community to.
Do you feel any responsibility?